My photo
WELCOME TO MY BLOG. This is where I share previews for clients, update news and specials for my business...and show off my beautiful family! For more information on cazzphotography...please visit my website..all of my details are there. I am a Mum to three beautiful boys..a constant source of inspiration! I photograph in natural light, capturing your family just as they are...funny, happy and natural images...that you will cherish forever. Sometimes the simplest image can evoke the most emotion....a thoughtful gaze, cheeky grin or soulful eyes...these are my favourite images. If you are interested in a photographic session please visit my website - or give me a call for further details. I am located in NE Melbourne.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year! | custom photography melbourne

Welcome to 2009! I am really excited about this year. My 3 boys will all be at school...and for the first time in over 9 years I will have some real time to myself. That has always been the plan for nothing in 2009...and yet here I am running a business that I absolutely love!

So, my logo has been updated and pricelist reworked. Not too many changes but if you are interested in booking a session, please check my website for the finer details.

I have simplified my packages down to 3, and have included some new products - canvas prints, leather bound albums and portrait folios. I am in the process of including images of all products.

I have also included a special pregnancy package. For only $100 I will do a maternity shoot and include some prints for you. This is only available when booking a newborn session (must be taken within 2 weeks of baby's birth). Please contact me if you would like a maternity session. These can be done around 30+ weeks.

On a more personal note I have just enjoyed over 2 weeks in sunny QLD with my family. We had a wonderful time watching the boys swimming in the pool and beach, and just generally hanging around and enjoying themseves. I am feeling very relaxed and rejuvenated!

I am participating in a 'photo per day in January' challenge with an online group. I will update my blog with pics from the challenge every few days or so...but thought I would share my January 1 2009 image...a self portrait.

This is me. Ready for a wonderful New Year.

I hope it is a safe and happy one for you all.
cazz x


Anonymous said...

beautiful image of you cazz :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo Cazz and welcome back from your holiday! Congrats (I think!) on having all three at school now...I feel a bit teary for you!

Renee Bell said...

Nice to see you :-)
Look forward to see what you come up with for 2009...